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Alcohol Dependence Is A Devastating Condition - 01 Dec 2018 03:19


While alcohol dependence is a terrible disease that can damage lives, certain individuals who battle with it manage to hold down huge responsibilities and difficult careers. Externally, these supposed high-functioning alcoholics seem to have it all together. They could drive nice cars, reside in excellent areas, and make a significant income.

Simply because they are high-functioning doesn't indicate that they're suffering from the consequences of alcohol. They are still in danger of injuring themselves and those near them. For instance, a pilot nursing a hangover, a surgeon with shaky hands, or a money-lender handling large sums of funds are each at-risk of causing dreadful disasters if they continue on their dysfunctional path.

Here are some symptoms that can guide you in identifying these powder kegs:

1. They consume alcohol rather than eating.

Alcoholics will routinely change dishes with a couple of cocktails, lose interest in meals altogether, or use mealtime as a pretext to begin [ [ addiction ] -phases-of-alcoholism drinking] alcohol.

2. They can awake with no hangover, even after a number of cocktails.

Consuming alcohol regularly over an extended period of time can cause the body to become dependent on alcohol. Commonly high-functioning alcoholics are able to drink excessively without the punishing hangover that plagues the occasional drinker.

3. Abstinence makes them grouchy, nervous, or ill at ease.

If an alcoholic is forced to avoid alcohol consumption, his or her body commonly reacts negatively, as they depend on the sedative results of alcohol. Suddenly stopping could cause anxiety, anxiety, sweating, an elevated heart rate, and even convulsions.

4. Their patterns of conduct change significantly while intoxicated on booze.

Alcoholics may change considerably when they drink. A typically mild-mannered individual may become aggressive, or make spontaneous choices.

5. They cannot have only two alcoholic beverages.

An [ alcoholic ] has a difficult time quiting, and might even "polish off" others' drinks. Liquor will never ever be left on the table, and there is always a disguise for "another round.".


6. Time periods of amnesia or "blacking out" are commonplace

Many people dependent on alcohol will take part in activities that they have no recollection of the following day. They may not seem very intoxicated at the time, however they're not able to recall events that took place.

7. Attempts to talk about alcohol related incidents are received with hostility and denial.

When challenged with issues involving their alcohol intake, hard drinkers will typically regress to denial or aggression, making conversation problematic.

8. They consistently have a great explanation for the reason that they consume alcohol.

The majority of alcoholic s will have a relatively logical explanation for their actions if flat denial or hostility is not the selected method of avoidance. Stress at work, problems at home, or an abundance of social activities are common reasons to account for their harmful actions. - Comments: 0

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